The Informed Artist
ArtWork Creative Currency Imagination for Sale

Showing Off

Audition, Competition and Exhibition Opportunities in the Arts

Periodicals | Web Sites | Northwest Annual Competitions


The Actor's Handbook: Directory for Stage, Film & Commerical Actors
Capitol Hill Press, 1997

The Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market: Where & How to Sell Your Illustration, Fine Art, Graphic Design & Cartoons.
F&W Publications, 1998

The Avisson Book of Contests and Prize Competitions for Poets
Avisson Press, 1997

Musical America: The International Directory of the Performing Arts
ABC Leisure Magazines, 1997

The Photographer's Market
Writers Digest, 1998

The Playwright's Companion
Feedback Services, 1997

The Song Writer's Market
Writers Digest, 1998

The Writer's Market
Writers Digest, 1998


Northwest Annual Competitions | Web Sites

Visual Arts

American Artist
The "Bulletin Board" lists competitions and fairs by state for all media.

American Craft
"Where to Show" lists competitive exhibitions in the United States and abroad by exhibition title. "Opportunities" are listed by sponsoring organization. Also see listings under "Competitions" and display ads found throughout publication.

Art Calendar
The "Listings" are divided by Graphic Artists' Competitions; Juried Shows: Fairs/Festivals; Juried Shows: Gallery Settings; Mail, Fax, High Tech Shows; and Touring Exhibitions. All entries are arranged by state with deadline dates listed chronologically.

Art Access
"Bulletins" includes regional calls and opportunities for artists.

(June-August combined.) The "Classified" section includes Exhibitions/Competitions for all media and are listed in a mixed format.

(September-May; biweekly June-August). "Competitions" lists national, international and regional entries by sponsoring organization. Check "Artweek Classified" for additional listings.

The Artist's Magazine
The "Showplace" lists shows, competitions and exhibitions by state and sponsoring organization.

Ceramics Monthly
International, national and regional "Call for Entries" are listed by application deadline. Entries include Exhibitions and Fairs, Festivals and Sales.

Crafts Report
See "Entries for Competitions/Calls for Entry". These are limited to calls for entry for competitions sponsored by non-profit organizations. Also see, "Crafts Wanted" listings for craft shops, galleries and other for-profit organizations seeking craft work. See "Shows & Fairs" for listings of fairs, festivals and craft shows.

See "Competitions & Opportunities" for fiber and textile art (wearable art, quilts and crafts) by show title.

Graphis The "Call for Entries" lists deadline dates for the annual Graphis Poster (advertising, cultural, social), Design (ads, brochures, calendars, etc.) and Photo (ads, catalogs, record covers, calendars, etc.) competitions.

The "Calendar" focuses on upcoming events in the design world and includes calls for submission. HOW also sponsors an annual design competition.

Network News: Arts Network of Washington State
"Opportunities and Resources" includes calls for entries throughout the Pacific Northwest region.

The New Art Examiner
"Competitions and Exhibitions Opportunities" for all media are listed by state and sponsoring organization or title of exhibition.

Stained Glass
"Notes and News" includes competition and trade show listings, national and international, by state.


Back Stage West and Back Stage Online
"Casting" includes calls for dancers. See also entries under "Cruises," "Theme Parks" and "Variety".
"Auditions/Opportunities" lists a variety of local calls for dancers.

Dance Teacher Now
The "Calendar" includes auditions and competitions by dance form and event date. See also display ads throughout publication.

"Casting Notices" includes listings for dancers and choreographers.


Back Stage West and Back Stage Online
"Casting" entries include audition opportunities for Sag Films, Independent Film/Video, Voiceover, Grad Student Films, Student Films and CD-ROM.

"Casting Notices" include union and non-union auditions for Film, Extra, Grad Films, Student Films, TV/Video, Music Video, Commercials and Interactive Media.

On Screen
911 Media Arts Center
"Calls for Work/Festivals and Opportunities" includes calls for submissions from independent film, video and multimedia makers. 911 also continually accepts submissions for its screening program.


"Competitions and Calls for Submissions" includes calls for submissions for contests, competitions, grants and awards.


Back Stage West and Back Stage Online
"Casting" notices include class for composers, musicians, songwriters and singers. Also check listings under "Theme Parks".

"Competitions" are listed by title of event. Some entries for competitions can be also found in the "Potpourri" section.

The Rocket: The Northwest Music and Entertainment Magazine
The "Classifieds" lists calls for local vocalists and musicians.


PDN Online

The "Calendar" lists entries for exhibitons, competitions and contests by sponsoring organization.

PSA: The Official Magazine of the Photographic Society of America
"Exhibitions" lists national and international shows in areas of color slide, nature, photojournalism, photo-travel and pictorial print, stereo and video motion picture. These entries are listed chronologically in order of closing date.


Artist Trust
"Possibilities" are divided into multi-discipline, crafts, visual art, literary, music, film and video and theater/performance by sponsoring organization.

What's Happening: A Guide to Arts and Entertainment
The Seattle Post Intelligencer's weekly entertainment guide lists "Audition" opportunities for theater, music, film and dance by sponsoring organization.


Back Stage West and Back Stage Online
Audition opportunities listed under "Casting" include equity and non-equity Stage, Staged Reading and Variety.

"Casting Notices" includes audition opportunities for equity and non-union stages, Guest Artist Contracts and AEA 99-Seat Theaters.

Northwest Annual Competitions

Web Sites
Following is a selected list of annual arts competitions open to Northwest artists. Deadline dates are approximate and based on the most current information available. The Fine and Performing Arts Department generally receives at least one copy of an announcement. Copies of current calls can be found on the Callboard and/or in the Arts Opportunity File.

All Arts

Seattle Center
305 Harrison
Seattle WA 98109-4645
Fesitval of emerging and innovative music, theater, dance, performance art, spoken word, video, film and visual art.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Date: June

c/o One Reel
P.O. Box 9750
Seattle WA 98109-0750
Art Market: All types of handmade crafts and artwork.
Artists in Action: Face Painters, Caricature Artists, Portrait Artists, Hair Wrappers, Tarot Card Readers, Palm Readers and others who produced on-demand, visual artwork or services.
Bumbershoot Bookfair: Poetry, fiction, drama, artist's books, books about art, how-to-books dealing with literary arts and publishing, alternative literary formats such as spoken word tapes, poem postcards, flashbooks and broadsides.
International Bazaar:All types of hand-made, mass produced and imported merchandise.
Literary Arts: Poetry, fiction and literary performance art.
Performing Arts:Music, dance, theater, storytelling and performance art.
Visual Artist or Curator
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Dates: September

Jack Straw Artist Support Program
Jack Straw
4261 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105-6999
Artists of every genre and style have been represented, including multidisciplinary artists, theater sound designers, radio producers, film makers, and musicians and composers of all types. Eight selected artists will be awarded twenty hours of stuio recording and production time with a Jack Straw engineer.
Application Deadline: November

King County Touring Arts Program
King County Arts Commission
King County Office of Cultural Resources 506 2nd Ave Suite 115
Seattle WA 98104-2311
(206)296-8671 or 296-7580 V/TDD
Provides an opportunity for music, dance, theater, literary and visual artists to highlight their work in a Roster, which serves as a resource used by event coordinators, sponsors and presenters in King County and the region.
Application Deadline: June
Audition Date: July

Northwest Folklife
305 Harrison St.
Seattle, WA 98109-4695
fax (206)684-7190
An ethnic extravangaza embracing music and dance performances, visual arts and folklore exhibits, hands-on ethnic children's activities, symposia, dance and music workshops, crafts, foods, imported goods and demonstrations of traditional arts.
Application Deadlines:
Food: October
Crafts, Uncommon Market (Imports), Music Emporium: January
Children's Activities: February
Volunteers: March


Northwest Star Ball Championships
411 Fairview Avenue N., Suite 200
Seattle WA 98109
Largest dance championships in the Pacific Northwest.
Application Deadline: July
Event/Exhibition Date: August


Best of the Northwest Video Festival
c/o Thurston Community TV
440 Yauger Way SW, Suite C
Olympia, WA 98502
Honors outstanding community television programs from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Entries must be noncommercial programs that had their first public showing after January 1 on a community access or local origination cable channel.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Date: April

Independent Exposure
Blackchair Productions
2318 Second Ave. #313-A
Seattle, WA 98121
Monthly screening program held the fourth Thursday of each month in Seattle gives local, national and international independent video, film and computer artists an opportunity to show their experimental, avant-garde, subversive, controversial and provocative work(s) in a public venue and to the community, artists and non-artists alike.

KCTS Television Midnight Theater Showcase
401 Mercer St.
Seattle, WA 98109
(206)443-4291 (Ted Esser)
fax (206)443-6691
The KCTS summer showcase for Washington, British Columbia and Portland independent film and video makers.
Application Deadline: July

Laughing Horse Productions Screenplay Contest
Laughing Horse Productions
2815 Alaskan Way
Pier 70, Suite 37
Seattle WA 98121
Open to non-optioned, non-produced, feature-length screenplays. Must be in standard screenplay format. Cannot be longer than 120 pages.
Application Deadline: January

911 Media Arts Center
117 Yale Ave. N.
Seattle WA 98109
fax (206)682-7422
Continually accepts submissions of independent film, video and multimedia for its screening program.
Application Deadline: Ongoing

SIFVC-Seattle Independent Film and Video Consortium
Scott NoegelorJoel Bachar
hosts monthly "filmmakers' salons" - in conjunction with the Washington Motion Picture Council. Also, works closely with Independent Exposure's monthly screenings of independent film and video.
Application Deadline: ongoing
Event/Exhibition Date: ongoing

Northwest Film & Video Festival
Northwest Film Center
1219 SW Park Avenue
Portland OR 97205
An annual juried survey of new moving image art by residents of Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.
Application Deadline: August
Event/Exhibition Date: November

Seattle International Film Festival
801 East Pine St.
Seattle WA 98122
fax (206)324-9998
Largest film festival in the U.S. Includes several special showcases: Tribute Series, New Directories Showcase, Children's Film Fest, Archival section, Midnight Movie Series, Short Film Section, Best of the Northwest, Secret Festival, Filmmaker's Forum and Contemporary World Cinema. Also includes the Golden Space Needle Awards given to the audience favorites in Feature Film, Director, Actress, Actor, Documentary and Short Subject. The Festival presents two juried awards: Best New Director and Best American Independent Feature Film.
Application Deadline: March
Festival Dates: May-June

Student Academy Awards
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Academy Foundation
Student Academy Awards
Ms. Lisa Pearson
Northwest Film Center
1219 SW Park Ave
Portland, OR 97205
To support and encourage filmmakers with no previous professional experience who are enrolled in accredited colleges and universities. Categories include: Alternative, Animation, Documentary and Dramatic.
Deadline: April
Event/Exhibition Dates: June

Literary Arts

Blue Lynx Poetry Prize
Llynx House Press
Creative Writing Program
Eastern Washington University
705 W. First
Spokane WA 99201
Offers $1,500 plus publication of book-length manuscript.
Application Deadline: April

Chinook Literary Prize
Sasquatch Books
615 2nd Ave. #260
Seattle WA 98104
Awards $10,000 advance against future royalities and publication for an unpublished fiction, nonfiction or visual manuscript.
Application Deadline: March-May

Floating Bridge Press Poetry Prize
Floating Bridge Press
PO Box 18814
Seattle WA 98118
Winning poet receives $500 and 50 copies of an archival quality chapbook and a chance to read in the Seattle Area.
Application Deadline: February

Green Lake Chapbook Prize
Owl Creek Press
1620 N. 45th St.
Seattle WA 98103
Owl Creek Press awards $500 for any combinaton of published and unpublished poems.
Application Deadline: August

Jack Straw Writers Program
Jack Straw
4261 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle WA 98105-6999
Established to encourage the writing of new works by local authors and poets and introduce writers to the creative possibilities of sound. Accepts applications for work in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and memoir.
Application Deadline: November

Poetry Circus
Titlewave Books
7 Mercer St.
PO Box 20205
Seattle WA 98102
Spoken-word performances which may or may not involve multimedia (music, video, performance, etc.), but must involve language in some way.
Application Deadline: January
Event/Exhibition Date(s): May-June

Seattle Poetry Festival
Eleventh Hour Productions
1122 E. Pike St., Suite 1110
Seattle WA 98122
Festival aims to broaden the audience for literary arts. Performers accepted by application and invitation. Includes Slam, Language Poetry and Rap.
Applicaton Deadline: January
Event/Exhibition Date: April

Seattle Writers Association
PO Box 33265
Seattle WA 98133
Accepts short fiction, poetry, novel excerpts, articles, essays and non-fiction book excerpts. Selected works from the contest will be given a public reading at the Seattle Writers Association's annual Writers in Performance Festival.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Date: May

Performing Arts

Northwest New Works Festival
On the Boards
153 14th Ave.
Seattle WA 98122
fax (206)325-7902
Innovative theater, dance, music and interdisciplinary performances by artists from the Pacific Northwest.
Deadline: September
Event/Exhibition Date:Spring

Seattle Fringe Festival
PO Box 20730
Seattle WA 98102
Festival and forum for emerging theater artists and the only non-juried performance opportunity in the Northwest. Encourages artists to exhibit a broad spectrum of theater, from classical plays to performance art, movement-based pieces to literature-as-theater, and serious drama to outrageous comedies.
Application Guidelines: Forms available August 1st with SASE. Applications accepted last Saturday in September on a first-come first-serve basis. Encourages applications from groups representing diverse styles, genres, experience levels, ethnicities and ages.
Event/Exhibition Date: March

Visual Arts

Anacortes Arts Festival
819 Commercial Ave., Suite E
Anacortes WA 98221
Juried Fine Art Show includes Drawing and Painting (including mixed-media), Photography and Sculpture. Booth Vendors include: Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Prints & Drawing, Paintings, Ceramics, Textiles, Wood and Mixed Media.
Application Deadlines:
Booth Vendors:March
Fine Art Show:July
Event/Exhibition Date: August

Annual West Coast Show
c/o Lai Venuti & Lai Advertising
3945 Freedom Circle, Suite 1000
Santa Clara CA 95054
Honors the best graphic design and print advertising from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii.
Application Deadline: July

Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition
Bellevue Arts Commission
PO Box 90012
Bellevue WA 98009-9012
Biannual exhibition of temporary sculpture. Works by professional sculptors are exhibited outdoors in the 20-acre Downtown Park and indoors in the Meydenbauer Center. The Commission presents the exhibitions to provide enjoyment to the community, to show a broad variety of sculpture, and to stretch perceptions of what sculpture can be.
Application Deadline: May
Event/Exhibition Date: July-October

Gallery Photo Show
Art/Not Terminal
2045 Westlake Ave.
Seattle WA 98121
Application Deadline: Bring photographs for hanging day before show opens.
Event/Exhibition Dates: June-July

Artists Resource Bank Competition
Washington State Arts Commission
Art in Public Places Program
234 E. 8th Ave.
PO Box 42675
Olympia WA 98504-2675
Represents artists eligible for percent-for-art projects. Used to select artworks for Existing Works Purchases and artists for Commissions of New Work.
Application Deadline: June

Best of the Northwest: A Market for the Contemporary Craftsperson
Northwest Crafts Alliance, Inc.
PO Box 1057
Clinton WA 98236
Seeks Basketry, Ceramics, Dolls, Fiber/Fashion, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Paper, Photography, Printmaking and Wood. This event is also held in Portland.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Dates: May & November

Canterbury Faire: Juried Fine Art Exhibit
Kent Arts Commission
Kent Parks & Recration Department
220 Fourth Ave South
Kent WA 98032-5895
The Main Show showcases two dimensional artwork: paintings, drawings, original prints and photography. The Smallworks Gallery includes displays of two dimensional works of art that are 20"x24" (including frame) or smaller and are priced $200 or less.
Application Deadline: August
Event/Exhibition Date: August

Corvallis Arts Center/Linn & Benton Council for the Arts
700 SW Madison
Corvallis OR 97333
Annual exhibition schedule requests proposals from artists or arts organizations for the following year. Seeks innovative and traditional, two and three-dimensional work. No film or video.
Application Deadline: March

Edmonds Arts Festival
PO Box 212
Edmonds WA 98020-0212
Juried artists booths, exhibits of juried art and a collective non-juried gallery/boutique.
Screening Dates: March
Application Deadlines:
Juried Art:June
Event/Exhibition Dates: June

Gallery '76 National Juried Art Exhibit
Wenatchee Valley College
1300 5th St.
Wenatchee WA 98801
Only original artwork completed within the past five years will be considered. Drawing, painting, printmaking and wall-hung 2-D mixed media not to exceed 5 feet in height or width.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhbition Dates: April-May

Greenwood Art Walk
Greenwood Arts Council
8505 Greenwood Ave North
Seattle WA 98103
All visual art work- including painting, sculpture, photography, glass work, metalwork, fiber arts, printmaking, ceramics and mixed media.
Application Deadline: March
Event/Exhibition Dates: May

King County Art Gallery Program
King County Arts Commission
1115 Smith Tower
506 Second Avenue
Seattle WA 98104-2311
The King County Art Gallery Program is dedicated to presenting one person exhibitions of professional artists living in King County who are not currently represented in a commerical gallery. Emerging and underexposed artists are specifically encouraged to apply. Artist-organized group exhibitions are also welcome. Exhibits are scheduled for one month periods beginning the first Thursday of each month and continuing through the Friday before the first Thursday of the following month. Eleven shows are scheduled each year. Artists working in any media, including painting, sculpture, installation, media or intermedia are welcome to apply. Exhibitions at the Gallery are reviwed by a panel of county citizens prominent in the arts.
Application Deadline: June

Northwest Expression
Coos Art Museum
235 Anderson
Coos Bay OR 97420 Application Deadline: October of previous year
Event/Exhibition Date: May-July

Northwest Fine Arts Competition
Phinney Center Gallery
Phinney Neighborhood Association
6532 Phinney Ave North
Seattle WA 98113

Northwest International Art Competition
Whatcom Museum of History & Art
121 Prospect St.
Bellingham WA 98225
Open to regional artists working in the media of sculpture, mixed media, painting, drawing, photography and printmaking. Divided into two exhibitions: Crafts in held in odd-numbered years and features ceramics, glass, wood, metal and fiber. Fine arts, held in alternate years features painting, prints, sculpture, drawings and photography.
Application Deadline: May
Event/Exhibition Date: August-October

Northwest Watercolor Society
1021 142nd Ave SE
Bellevue WA 98007-5420
Sponsors at least two major exhibitions each year including the Annual Juried Exhibition and the Waterworks Membership Show.
Waterworks Membership Show
Application Deadline: July
Exhibition Dates:November-December
Annual Juried Exhibition
Application Deadline: February
Exhibition Dates: Spring

Pacific Northwest Annual Museum Exhibition
Bellevue Art Museum
301 Bellevue Square
Bellevue WA 98004
(425)454-3322 ext. 110
Juried Exhibition. Submit six slides,one page artist's statement and up to three minutes of videotape.
Application Deadline: April
Event/Exhibition Date: June-August

Pacific Northwest Arts Fair
Bellevue Art Museum
301 Bellevue Square
Bellevue WA 98004
Features more than 300 juried artists booths, art exhibitions, demonstrations and Kidsfair, with art and creative activities for children.
Application Deadline: February
Event/Exhibition Date: July

Pastels USA
Pastel Society of the West Coast
Roseville Arts Center
424 Oak St.
Roseville CA 95678
Open to all artists working in the soft pastel medium. Work must be original in concept and executed within the last two years. Mixed media pieces will be accepted in 80% of the image area is soft pastel.
Application Deadline:February
Event/Exhibition Date: April-May

PONCHO Artists-in-Residence Program
Pratt Fine Arts Center
1902 S. Main
Seattle WA 98144-2206
Six Washington State artists will be chosen to receive a residency at Pratt Fine Arts Center where they will have the opportunity to take advantage of Pratt's equipment, rich faculty and professional instruction for the production of their own work. Educational residences include instructional course work. Studio residences require proficiency in the use of the equipment and materials in the artist's studio of choice.
Application Deadline: June

Rags: A Wearable Art Gallery Competition and Marketplace
Friends of the Rag
2522 N. Proctor #423
Tacoma WA 98406
(253)272-4181 EXT. 352
The Gallery, with awards competition, is a show of unique, one-of-a-kind wearable art, with competitive divisions for garments and jewelry/accessories. The Marketplace is a boutique-style sale of unique, wearable art.
Application Deadline: December
Event/Exhibition Date: March

West Coast Women's Art Juried Exhibition
Helios Gallery
270 E. Main St.
Ashland OR 98520
Application Deadline: January
Event/Exhibition Date: February-April

Web Sites

Art Deadlines
An extensive list of competitions, contests, call for entries in the arts or related areas. Full entries are available on a subscription basis.


Death by Architecture
Royal Oak Foundation Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape Architecture Competition (Biennial)
Virtual Library of Architecture

Book Arts
Bookarts Bulletin Board

American Society of Furniture Artists
Ceramics Monthly
Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show
Smithsonian Craft Show

Dancer Online
Henry's Dance Hotlist
International Dance Sport Federation
New York International Ballet Competition

Design Competition Forum

Electronic Art
Electronic Art Gallery

Art A Afair


GEN ART Film Festival
MovieBytes Contests
National Educational Media Network Competition
New York Underground Film Festival
911 Media Arts Center
Rochester International Film Festival
Seattle Independent Film and Video Consortium
United States Super 8mm Film/Video Festival
San Diego Latino Film Festival
Santa Barbara International Film Festival

Glass Hotlinks


Literature Information for Artists
Poets & Writers
Prism International Annual Fiction Contest
Web Poem Contest
Writers Write
Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource

Artist Resource
ArtNet News
Emerging Artists Exhibition
Fine Arts Center in Taos
Georgetown Annual International Art Competition
Internet Contest Lists
New York Festivals
Opportunities in the Arts

American Music Center: Opportunities for Composers and Performers
Center for the Promotion of Contenporary Composers: Opportunities for Composers
Banff International String Quartet Competition
Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition>
Finding Gigs in All the Right Places
Fish Link Central: Opportunities for Composers
Jeff Mallett's Songwriter Site
Musical Connection
Musicians Seeking Musicians

CA Magazine
Center for Photographic Art
Monthly News Clip Contest
Prarie Region of Photographic Arts

Luminos PrintMaker's Guild

International Sculpture Center Competitions

Auditions Online
Northwest Playwrights Guild

Award Opportunities
ArtSpace Digital Creation Awards
International C.A.P.I. Awards(Computer Animation, Photography & Illustration)
James D. Phelan Art Award in Photography
Japan Foundation Art Program
National Art Education Association Awards Program
OMNI Intermedia Awards
Videographer Awards

Seattle Public Library Fine and Performing Arts Department Resources

The Arts Opportunity File
The Fine and Peforming Arts Department maintains an "Arts Opportunity File" which includes a paper copy of Art Deadlines and copies of local, national and international press releases and calls for submissions in all areas of the arts.

The Fine and Performing Arts Deparment maintains a bulletin board of listings received from local sponsoring organizations.

Top of Page

Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington, USA
  This compilation copyright ©1998 NW Arts. All rights reserved.
  All images copyright ©1998 Carletta Wilson. All rights reserved. 
Last revised:20 July 1998